How to speak in English fluently? Follow Just 7 tips

Nowadays, it is very important to know how we can speak English fluently. Learning how to speak English confidently is especially important for anyone studying the language. There is directly no substitute for using your language skills to communicate in real life. It can be fun. You are now thinking about the importance of speaking in English. First, let me explain to you the importance of Spoken English.

1) In today’s world, People who speak English fluently have more job opportunities.

2) English language gives students an approach to information and research.

3) A good English conversation will surely help us when we will travel to any foreign country.

4) It plays a very important role in the business industry because in business you have to expiry your products and services all over the world.

So, these are some importance of speaking in English. Now, you must know how to speak English fluently. I would like to share 7 tips that you have to follow if you want to speak English fluently. By following those tips you can speak English in a very easy way.

How speak English fluently step by step?

1) Learn Grammer and Vocabulary-

This is the initial phase to learn how to speak English. You must have knowledge about correct grammar and vocabulary. Otherwise, you can’t frame a sentence properly. You must know all the basic grammatical rules.

For example, articles, prepositions, tenses, and all that. If you really want to speak in English you have to start from the basic level. There are a lot of books on grammar and vocabulary on the market. You can purchase those books.

Otherwise, you can see youtube videos to learn grammar. There are a lot of videos available on youtube as well. So, you have to learn correct grammar and vocabulary to speak English fluently.

2) Learn how to frame correct sentences-

Now, after learning grammar and vocabulary correctly, try to make correct sentences. Don’t try to make sentences in a lengthy way. Make sure that your sentences must be very simple with proper grammar.

There are some basic rules to frame a sentence with terms- Subject, Verb, Object. You should follow this rule. You can find some antonyms and synonyms of any particular word. In this way, you will be more familiar with new words. It will help you to frame sentences.

3) Read more in English loudly-

We all know that reading habit is a very good habit. Read a book at least 2 or 3 pages a day apart from your academic books. Make sure that when you are reading any book in English, try to read loudly.

It will increase your reading ability as well as your knowledge. In this case, you can make short-term goals. You have to complete a book in a month. In this way, you will be more consistent. It will increase your fluency in English.

After that, give yourself 5 minutes to visualize what you have read. Try to think about it in English. Then, you must try to explain it in your own way in English.

4) Write something in English-

Now it’s time to write what you have read in English. Don’t copy the book. Try to write the summary of the passage in your own words. Sometimes, you will feel that you have a very limited stock of words. Even, you will not find any words to express what you actually feel. In this case, you have increased the level of stocks of words.

Otherwise, you can’t frame a sentence in your own way. I would like to suggest to you a book named “Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis. If you positively read this book, you will find a lot of new words. Your task will be to write those words in a notebook with their meaning.

Then, try to make different sentences with those words. It will take time. But, never give up. If you follow this book, you will surely be benefitted.

5) Surround yourself in English-

It is one of the most important points. If you truly want to speak English fluently, make sure that you will surround yourself with English. If I conversate with five people a lot, the average of those five people will be my character.

Just like that, the more we watch movies in English, read newspapers, or read an English article, the more we become proficient in English. Try to talk with your parents, brothers, cousins or friends in English.

Try to think in English. Don’t think in your own language and don’t try to convert it into English. It will increase your thinking ability in English.

6) Spoken English Practice-

We all know that practice makes a person perfect. If you practice mathematical calculation a lot, undoubtedly you will surely take calculation in your tips.

Just like that, if you practice spoken English every day for almost 1 hour or 2 hours a day, you will surely be a perfect English speaker. You will feel trouble in the beginning. But, if you try, you can do it.

You know one thing, when you are trying to learn anything new, you have to face trouble in the beginning. But, you have to overcome it. Otherwise, you can’t learn anymore. So, if you want to be a perfect English speaker you have to practice it in the right direction.

7) Set a goal-

It is very important to have a goal in life. Otherwise, we can’t move in life. Life will be meaningless. You must be short-term goals and long-term goals. In the case of long-term goals, someone wants to be a doctor, engineer, collector, teacher, etc.

But, what about short-term goals? It is nothing but the goals you really want to achieve in a very short time. For example, you want a very good command of English within a month or 2 or 3 months.

I think it would be much easier to achieve this if the effort to achieve one’s goal is tied to time. Otherwise, we just can’t imagine how we are wasting time very prominently.

These are 7 points that you should follow to speak English fluently. In this way, you can improve your speaking English skill. Every time you talk to someone in English is an achievement. Every single interaction you have will help you improve your skills over time. If you want to be fluent in English speaking, you have to speak in English.

Otherwise, you can’t speak English fluently, if you only know the grammatical rules. You have to make it a habit to speak in English on a daily basis. There are many English Speaking Platforms available on social media. You can also purchase a course.

Otherwise, you can speak English easily at home by following the above tips. But, if you feel hesitant to speak in English, you will not learn anymore. The more you talk in English, the more you will be perfect in English Speaking.

There are so many career options available in front of you if you speak English fluently. You can get a job in a public speaking, a radio station. You can be a spoken English teacher.

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